Ecuador Nature & Wildlife Tours and Destinations.
Learn about the Ecuador Nature & Wildlife Tours and Destinations from Quito.
Ecuador’s Nature and Wildlife are so diverse given to some unique features of South America; Ecuador is crossed from north to south by the Cordillera de Los Andes.
The Andes Mountain Range has created a series of bioregions with checking while Ecuador Nature and Wildlife.
The Natural Regions of Ecuador are:
- Dry Coastal Scrub
- Coastal Deciduous Forest
- Chocó Tropical Humid Forest
- Western Piemont Forest
- Western Montane Forest
- Paramo
- Inter-Andean scrub
- Eastern Piemont Forest
- Amazonian Tropical Humid Forest
Ecuador Nature & Wildlife Tours take place along the best destinations to watch wildlife in Ecuador, many with easy access to trails and facilities.
Below you will find a list of our suggestions to find and observe Ecuador’s Wildlife.
Ecuador Nature Wildlife Tours
Eastern Ecuador Ecuador 14 Days
14 Days Ecuador Nature Trip, a journey from High in the Andes to the Mighty Amazon Rainforest, a Wildlife adventure experience, searching for Condors, watching Hummingbirds and being alert for any rare mammal, and much more found at each location. Read More…
Driving Day Road Trip Quito Coca
We will cover 300 km in 7 hours, driving from the top of Andean snow-covered volcanoes to the very bottom of the eastern Andean slope, ending our journey in the bustling frontier town of Coca. Read More…
Ecuador Photo Tours
Wildlife Week – 8 DAYS
The Mammal Tracking Tour is a true adventure into the heart of the Amazon Rainforest of Ecuador. We are going to be exploring a unique place that holds about 30% of the mammalian diversity of the entire Amazon Basin. Read More…
Ecuador Adventure Tours
Amazon Kayaking Tour
Kayaking is one of the best ways to find Amazonian Wildlife, resting onboard moving along the river banks. Passing large trees and listening to the forest sounds. Just for a moment, imagine yourself drifting silently along a truly, wild jungle river in the legendary Waorani territory, bounded on either side by millions of acres of the pristine forest. Traveling the Shiripuno River by kayak is an intimate way to experience both jungle and river. Read More…